Pass Plus Test Aimed at new drivers. It was designed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) with thehelp of insurers and the driving instruction industry. Pass Plus builds on your skillsand knowledge. It will teach you how to anticipate, plan for and deal with all kindsof hazards, to help you become a moreconfident driver.
Theory Test The theory test is made up of two parts,a multiple choice section and the hazard perception test. The multiple choice section is delivered using a touch screen computer,while the hazard perception test records your responses,there will be 14 clips and 15 developing hazards,you will have to reach the appropriate results to pass both parts.
Practical TestBefore you start the practical test you have tobe able to read a number plate from a distancof 20.5 metres or (67 feet).The 4 driving test changes1. Independent driving part of the test willincrease to 20 minutes.2. Following directions from a sat nav.3. Reversing manoeuvres will be changed.4. Answering a vehicle safety question whileyou’re driving.Please NoteDriving test changes: 4 December 2017Click More Info